Business Development

Sherry joined the Community Women’s group in 2021, with a monthly income equivalent to $58 USD, she could not meet the daily needs of her and her two sons. With the skills learned through the various training courses, specifically how to evaluate the potential profitability of a business initiative, Sherry has ventured into other businesses, including selling shoes, clothes and cosmetics and as a result, in less than one year, has quadrupled her monthly earnings.

“I have acquired a lot of knowledge from the trainings since this programme was introduced. Before joining, I had many business ideas but no confidence or capital to pursue any of them. I sold sugar and fritters at the market, but I didn’t realise that I was not making much profit. This is because I did not understand the value of keeping track of my sales and records. To reinvest, there are times I had to borrow money, which I did not realise was not helping me. After being taught strategies of proper money management, business management and all the mentorship we received, I started managing my expenses, saving, as well as keeping my goals in mind. I now know how much I am spending and how much is coming in,” Sherry