Our Impact

Our programmes primarily address the needs of residents for and with whom they are designed. Additionally, they positively affect the lives of the family members, caregivers and teachers of our primary beneficiaries, while simultaneously creating wider social value in our areas.

As of 2024, the Time + Tide Foundation engages over 8,000 residents as part of our regular programme activities, and we have an indirect impact to 19,000 people across the 300 villages in which we work.


Data and Decision Making

We focus on the data that matters, and we track the progress of our projects using an internally developed monitoring and evaluation framework, through which we capture a variety of baseline data for the beneficiaries of our programmes and set strategic targets. Data is collected using an open source suite of tools called ODK and thereafter piped into our bespoke dashboard, through which we can filter and analyse the data as desired.


We consistently track outcomes that indicate the progress towards our strategic targets. By the end of 2023, we recorded the following results:

Home-based Education

  • 2023 graduates improved from an average baseline development score of 53% to an end line of 92%
  • Monthly income for families of 2023 graduates improved by 69% from their enrolment on the programme to their graduation
  • 92% of guardians of 2023 graduates indicated improved physical and mental well-being because of their children’s developmental progress and social inclusion

Female Empowerment

  • 69% retention rate for graduating cohort of girls
  • Self-esteem scores improved from an average of 58.1% at baseline to 74.5% at endline
  • 53% of graduating girls tested as functionally literate compared to 0% at baseline

    Student Sponsorship

    • 71% retention rate for the graduating cohort from South Luangwa
    • 97% attendance rate average for the graduating cohort from South Luangwa

    Starting in 2022, the Time + Tide Foundation has invested in social return on investment (SROI) analyses of its major programmes, using the methodology of Social Value International, a principles-based approach and framework to account for value. The principles are a combination of accounting principles (for measurement) and management principles (for transparency and improved decision making). The principles are adapted from existing disciplines such as financial accounting, sustainability reporting, evaluation, and general social research. They have been designed to support the production of ‘social value accounts’ and decision making that optimises impacts on wellbeing for all materially affected stakeholder groups.

    For our Girls Club Programme, 6 stakeholder groups experiencing a collective total of 14 outcomes (13 positive and 1 negative) were assessed to generate the total value of $634,079 against investment of $31,832, yielding a social return of $19.92 USD for every $1 USD invested. Please download the report summary and detailed methodology documents.

    In our Home-based Education Programme, 16 stakeholder groups experiencing a collective total of 27 outcomes were assessed to generate the total value of $17,476,201 against investment of $640,712, yielding a social return of $27.28 USD for every $1 USD invested. Please download the report summary and detailed methodology documents.