Living in Mugurameno

Meet Thokozile

When I first heard that I had gotten the job and would actually be required to live in Mugurameno Village, with a population of only a couple hundred people, I was terrified. I mean, my boss told me that it was a remote area with wild animals and no electricity. Having spent most of my life in Lusaka, this sounded unlike anything I had experienced.

But soon after moving, I felt at home. Because I live here and interact with all residents daily, I quickly built up trust and saw that reflected in how people were responding to our programmes. I’ve had mothers approach me asking what they can do to help their daughters. Young girls see me reading outside of my house and look over my shoulder, trying to follow along.

Looking back over the last year, when I think about my life in the city, I miss my family the most. I miss my friends and being able to go shopping whenever I feel like it. But now, when I am away from Mugurameno, I miss my home. The beautiful views of the mountains, how the night sky looks amazing without interference from the bright urban lights. I miss the fresh scents of nature, and I miss my new friends (both young and old).